My Comic-Con Hopes – Part II

San Diego Convention Center

So last time, I laid out the events that I knew was going to be there and what I hoped was going to be there. Since then the site for Comic-Con has finally put out the four-day schedule and there has been massive planning amongst myself and Mindy, who has posted her thoughts on the schedule also. After mapping out my plan, there are a few days where it will be TV vs. Movies. I think though, no matter how much you plan everything out, this whole thing is not going to be what you expect it to be. I think it will come down to the day of and the things I will get to see will depend on the crowds. I did plan alternatives in case I can not get into a room that I want to be in. There are definitely going to be some late nights and early mornings, although hopefully not too many early mornings because I am going to be on vacation!

My schedule (or what I hope to see):

Awesome swag bag

Wednesday: Preview night, not sure what to expect here. I think we are planning on walking around and seeing what kind of SWAG we can get. Also, there supposedly will be movie screenings somewhere. Not sure what time or what movies yet though. They probably will let everyone know that night. Hope to get a good night sleep because Thursday is going to be big.

Thursday:  Hall H is hopefully going to be my home, will have to get there early in order to get in and get a good seat.  For my evening I am crossing my fingers that I get to go to the Ausiello/Doc Jensen Entertainment Weekly party. That would be amazing because the Lost writings of Doc Jensen was how I got started doing my blogs in the first place and it would be cool to meet him. If not I am looking at going to a “Serenity” screening put on by the California Brown Coats. Awesome schedule for the hall is:

-10:00-11:00 Megamind 

-11:15-12:45 Tron 

-2:15-3:15  RED 

-3:30-4:30  Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams

– 4:45-5:45 Expendables

– 6:00-7:00 Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World 

Really looking forward to all of these, especially JJ Abrams. I love Lost, Fringe and Star Trek. Hope he talks about Star Trek 2. If we can get a good seat in Hall H the day is going to be amazing!

Yes please!

Friday: My ballroom 20 day. I might have to sit through a bunch of tv shows that I don’t watch in order to get into True Blood. This is a MUST for me. I didn’t buy my Merlotte’s waitress outfit for nothing! Also on the schedule is another Joss Whedon panel and the Entertainment Weekly: Girls Who Kick Ass panel. Have a few other panels I am looking at in case I don’t get into any of these. I also signed up to volunteer one day and I am hoping this could be it since the morning is pretty open.

Vampire Diaries

Saturday: Another big day. In the morning is Green Lantern and Deathly Hallows. Sad the cast of Deathly Hallows won’t be there, but looking forward to seeing more clips of the movie. Clips of Green Lantern would be cool too. In the afternoon is Fringe and Vampire Diaries. In the evening is Thor/Captain America and Kevin Smith. This is going to be the day where I will have to choose. If I leave Hall H for the tv panels I really want to see there is a chance I won’t be able to get back in for the Marvel and Kevin Smith panels. This is going to be a day to have extremely good luck. I do have a lot of back up stuff to go to if I don’t get into the things I absolutely want to see. I am aiming for the tv panels though so I can do some articles for my Examiner page.

Sunday: I definitely want to get into Castle. It is one of my favorite shows and I really like Nathan Fillion. Also hoping to make it to Glee but if I can’t then I will probably spend the day walking around the exhibit hall.

So only five more days until the big event. My planning is coming together and now there is just the last-minute shopping and the packing to do. I hope to get to see everything, but if I don’t at least I will still have gone. I am going to go in without expectiations and just have an amazing time. Also, it is going to be nice to be able to go to a place and let my nerdiness out into the open without judgement. I am really looking forward to meeting more people who have the same love for tv shows and movies that I do. Check back for updates and pics next week!







  1. You and I have the exact same schedule in mind for Wed. thru Sat. I hope to see you there. I will keep an eye out for someone in a Merlotte’s waitress outfit! I will be in a Sunnydale cheer leading outfit on a couple of the days. Have a great trip!

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